Renewal for Current or Past Members
SRAC offers Annual membership to anyone with a current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership.
Pay Via PayPal
Membership Categories
*Open Member
SRAC offers Annual membership to anyone with a current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership.
*Youth Member
Age is 18 to 20 years old prior to July 1.
*Country Member
Members who are 21 or older prior to July 1 AND are whose permanent residence is outside of Snohomish, King, Island, and Skagit counties.
*Open Member's Spouse or Partner
Spouse or legal partner of a member.
*Jr. Member
Age is less than18 years old prior to July 1. AND, enrollment is with an adult member.
*New Members after July 1
Pro-rated fees for balance of year.
Current AMA registration:
We will verify current AMA membership and e-mail you a SRAC sticker for your AMA Card.
Registration with the FAA is a legal requirement of all persons flying RC Aircraft. It is your responsibility to have both your AMA number along with your FAA number on every aircraft flown at the SRAC field. See: https://faadronezone.faa.gov/#/
Pay Via PayPal
Send updates regarding address/phone/email to SRAC501c3@gmail.com