12:39:41 PM
Not Raining


Where we are located

Our flying field is located at 4932 South Machias Road, Snohomish WA 98290 - just north of the city of Snohomish, only 2 minutes from the Hwy 2 and Hwy 9 interchange.

If headed West on HWY 2: 

  • From Hwy 2, take the Arlington exit at Hwy 9 and 

  • Turn right (east) on Bunk Foss Rd (the first possible turn) 

If headed East on HWY 2: 

  • From Hwy 2, take the Arlington exit, turn Left at the light

  • Turn Right at the Bunk Foss Rd

  • Continue north down Bunk Foss Rd to the 4-way stop (Old Machias Rd)

  • Continue straight onto Ritchey Rd

  • Turn left on the Field access road just prior to South Machias Road

Field Rules

  • Flying is limited to SRAC members and occasional guests who must have a current AMA Open or Youth membership and be accompanied by a current SRAC Open member. Guests will not receive flight instruction.

  • No member or guest may fly solo unless certified by a SRAC Instructor.

  • Junior members must be accompnied by a SRAC Open member parent/guardian.

  • Spectators are welcome, but must remain outside the field fence unless escorted by a SRAC member.

  • Family members are permitteed in the pits, but must remain behind the yellow safety line.

Ground Operation and Pit Area

  • No internal combustion engines may be started prior to 8:00 AM.

  • All engines must comply with our maximum noise level of 90db.

  • No aircraft with a running engine may be left unattended.

  • No taxiing in the pit area. Taxiing to the runway from beyond the pit area is permitted only if the pilot boxes are unoccupied. Taxiing back to the pit area is not permitted.

  • No engine restarts or adjustments permitted on the runway.

Flight Operations

  • Aircraft must not exceed 15 lbs gross weight.

  • Take offs/landings must be made into the prevailing wind.

  • Hand launches must be made into the prevailing wind from the upwind end of the pilot's box.

  • No more than 4 aircraft allowed in the air at any time.

  • All flying must be west of the of the extended centerline of the runway. No flight allowed north of field boundry.

  • Pilots must fly from the pilot boxes.

  • Only pilots, instructors and callers are allowed beyond the pit area.

  • All takeoffs/landings must be announced. Landing aircraft have the right-of-way.

  • In-flight malfunction must be announced to pilot in the pilot's box.

  • Engine out must be announced as "dead stick" and has priority for landing.

  • Pilots must request permission from pilots in th box before entering the runway.